The EFEB project started in October 2015 and will last for 2 years. EFEB Network’s main objective is to train, mentor and develop the entrepreneurship skills of women entrepreneurs involving them in VET partnership with great potential for development and raising the public awareness, supporting women empowerment and providing new economic and social opportunities for a prosperous European Region. In this respect, the project’s main task is to enhance the new skills education and to create a climate that is favorable to increasing the number of women entrepreneurs and the size of the women-led businesses and new jobs. Furthermore, the project aims at promoting the gender equity stressing out the importance of a strong women social entrepreneurship sector and at implementing activities focusing on motivational support to women entrepreneurs through education, information, training, good practices.
Project Objectives:
- Involving women in training activities aimed at their professional development and career expertise
- Teaching women entrepreneurs how to take more calculated risks
- Inspiration and support for “would-be” women entrepreneurs and women returning to work
- Training women in business skills and promoting opportunities for career development
- Promoting entrepreneurship so that more women and in particular younger ones, seriously consider entrepreneurship as a career option
- Encouraging female entrepreneurs to create their own businesses
- Advocating innovation in management/ production and best practices towards introducing new business models.
Target Groups and Final Beneficiaries:
- Women of all ages
- Women entrepreneurs owning their own businesses
- Women out of work
- Women who want to start their own business
- Civil society organizations
- National, local associations of women entrepreneurs and all business organizations, chambers, etc.
- National foundations/institutes connected with gender issues and gender equality
- Local, national, international networks and initiatives, companies supporting entrepreneurship and women empowerment
- State and local authorities (municipalities, regions, etc.)
- Research organizations and universities
- EU and International organizations
Project partners:
Project partners represent 8 countries: Georgia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain, UK and Ukraine.
Lead partner
Project partners